Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mushing it up on FB

What's with all the mush talk on FB? A lot of honeys, babys, sweeties doing the rounds and mush not being my thing i just find it so fake. Call me a pessimist but i think the honeys and sweeties ought to be said in person, these are words for those intimate moments(and i seriously cannot understand the love talk between the same sex!!). The mush overdose has actually made me comment less on FB, as my genuine comments would seem less attractive next to all those mushy wushy ones. These are my list of 10 words and phrases that i can never get myself to use on FB
  1. Sweetie
  2. Honey
  3. Love you
  4. Kisses
  5. Hugs(i confess i have used this one due to the circumstances)
  6. Muahh!!
  7. Hun
  8. Baby
  9. Made for each other(how would you know??)
  10. Miss you