Tuesday, December 21, 2010

10 things Done in Public that Make me Cringe!

I live in that part of the world called India, love it but on the flipside there are some reasons i hate it too, especially when it comes to behaving in public. There are the uneducated, who i guess we can't blame for their uncouth behaviour but am surprised the educated, working class is no better. Off late these things have been putting me off so much that i had to blog about it

10 things that make me screw up my face
  1. Digging noses: Just coz god gave you fingers and two nostrils does not mean you have to explore them in public. Note: Your nostrils are there to aid your breathing not for stuffing your finger inside them.
  2. Scratching private parts: We all know you have it so why draw attention to it perverts??If it itches so much wear loose pants and the right underwear and some anti-itching cream.
  3. Spitting anywhere and everywhere: We don't want to see what contents come out of your mouth. So, keep your stuff to yourself.
  4. Nature's call on every wall: We don't want your impressions on every wall. It stinks!!
  5. Chewing with mouth wide open: I don't want to know what food is your mouth and those noises that come automatically with open mouth chewing.....aarrggghhh... it irritates!
  6. Buuurrrppp!!: This is a total spoiler! You don't have to announce to the world that you've eaten your fill, worse when others around you are still eating. Eveytime i hear a loud burp it makes my stomach churn.
  7. Releasing air(from you know where): This is totally appalling, its very conveniently let out as and when it comes without any consideration for others around. I don't even want to delve on this further
  8. Stinky sweaty arms: How much does it take to buy a deo? Seriously guys if you think you smell fine just the way you are then you've got some serious hygiene issues.
  9. Shouting over the phone: This is done to draw attention and nothing else. I don't want to know personal details about your life nor about your expertise in using foul language. Keep your phone converstions private. It would be better for you and for people around.
  10. Hoots and whistles: FYI: These don't work for getting attention from a girl, infact makes us detest you more. Don't be surprised if you get a middle finger thrown in your face the next time around!
Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of well-mannered guys in India but for most they still need to learn manners and improve on their public behaviour. You might ask why only guys and not girls? Well i am of the female gender, so you might think i am biased but the reason is haven't come across girls who do the above in public.

10 Signs to Know your Guy is Cheating on You!

These might be the signs you would be expecting from a person who has been in a number of relationships before. But these are what i observed from a relationship i've been in, from guy friends and from soul talk with my girl buddies

My 10 obvious signs
  1. His phone will always be busy: both day and night
  2. You find out he is talking to a girl. Ask him who the girl is and he will say she is just a "friend"
  3. His does not pick up your calls and calls back at his convenience
  4. The long phone conversations become short and abrupt
  5. He avoids meeting you and gives working overtime as an excuse
  6. Call his friends to know where he is and they will say "they don't know"( you know where that answer came from!)
  7. He gets irritated with you for the silliest of things
  8. Question him and he will call you a nag
  9. If you are with him he will always carry his phone with him wherever he goes(yes, i am talking about the restroom also!). Don't forget to notice the hushed tones he speaks in and also the constant texting
  10. He will never make eye contact when you meet him. Coz either he is guilty or he is too busy texting
Please share your signs and comments and opinions on this post are very much welcome!! Want to know how many people have been through the same.

And girls beware!!

10 Reasons as to Why i Started this Blog

Well this being my first post i thought i will start of with some soul searching as to why i suddenly decided to start this blog. And when it comes to this blog everything had to be in "Tens"!

My 10 reasons (in no particular order)
  1. Bored to death at work
  2. Decided it's high time i started blogging( Most of the people i know are bloggers...even though i must confess their blogging skills aren't that great)
  3. Want to see if this kind of blog gets any response at all
  4. Testing the power of the internet in spreading information (haha this one is so lame)
  5. My fantasy of making it big with my blog (so i become famous :). My inspiration www.highheelconfidential.com)
  6. Finding a challenge in writing about things in 10's
  7. Heard blogging helps improve writing skills
  8. Hope to get acquainted with more bloggers through my blog
  9. Will be fun a way to let my thoughts across
  10. For no reason!! It's something that just popped into my head!